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Recital FAQs

• Will I automatically receive a digital download of the performance? 

No! Our professional videographer has come up with a great package that will allow you to purchase the recital in as a DVD, Bluray or digital download! You must preorder your video on our website. No cameras or flash photography is allowed at the performance. 
• Does my child need to arrive in his/her first costume? 

No! Dancers should never wear their costumes or dance shoes outside. Dancers will change when they arrive. 

• Is jewelry allowed? If so, what kind? Why or why not? 
No jewelry. This includes bracelets, necklaces, all earrings, etc. If it is not part of the costume, it can be distracting. There is also potential for it to be lost, or catch on a costume. 

•What type of hairstyle is required? 
Student’s hair should be pulled back into a bun. No bangs or extra pieces hanging in front of the face. If a student’s hair is too short to pull into a bun, it can be slicked back.  

•What is the placement for costume hair accessories? 
Please ask your student’s instructor.  

•Are hair accessories other than those provided with the costume allowed? 

•Is hair/body glitter or shimmer spray allowed? 

•What kind of makeup should dancers have? What color palettes are acceptable? 
There is no specific make up or color palette. We like browns, golds and creams. Students should have at least rouge and lipstick on. Heavy street make-up is encouraged. Lashes are optional. 

•Do dancers need a specific style/color of shoe and tights? 
Students should wear the dance shoes they wear for class. Confirm with your instructor that you have the correct style and color. 

-Ballet: Capezio Ballet Pink, footed 

-Jazz: Capezio Light Suntan, So Danca Caramel-footed/transition 

-Contemporary/Acro: Capezio Light suntan, So Danca Caramel-stirrup 

•Are students allowed to watch the recital? 
Dancers must stay backstage during the duration of the recital, even if they are only in one number. This is to prevent distractions such as entering and exiting the theatre and to keep backstage running smoothly.  

***Dancers in Primary Ballet 1 and 2 will be picked up after their dance and do not participate in bows. 

•When can my dancer change out of his/her last costume into street clothes? 
After bows 

•What is your policy on undergarments under costumes? 
Panties cannot be worn under tights for young students. This creates bunching and they can always be seen from the audience. Older students must have correct dance undergarments that are not visible under the costume. 


•Who is allowed in the dressing room with my dancer? 

We have allowed time before the performance for mothers or legal female guardians to prepare their dancer. Once the performance begins, we encourage all mothers/guardians to enjoy the show. We have volunteers backstage to take care of our students. 

•What if I have more than one dancer participating in the show? 
Each student is assigned a dressing room with their specific level. 

•Will I be expected or required to send someone to change my child between dances? 
No, we have volunteers in place to help prepare students for multiple dances. We also have a special location for any quick changes in between numbers. **Parents are responsible for changing at each intermission. 

•Will there be someone to check my child's costume before he/she goes onstage to make sure all pieces are there and being worn properly, or is this my responsibility? 
Yes. This is the job of the volunteers. 

•What if my child's hair or makeup needs to be touched up between dances? 
The volunteers will also take care of this. 

•Is my child allowed to leave the dressing area alone? Must I be there to escort him/her if he/she needs to leave? 
All students will be escorted to the stage, or restroom by their dressing room volunteer or Studio staff. 

•Will the dressing room be monitored by a responsible adult at all times? 
Yes. We have adults supervising each room. 

•Where are the restrooms located? 
Restrooms are located in the lobby and the gymnasium for dancers. 

•May I take photos in the dressing area? 
No, because there may be some students changing. We encourage photos to be taken in the lobby or on stage after the shows. 

•Are food and drinks allowed in the dressing area? If so, what kind? 
Only bottled water. Students may bring snacks only if necessary. The recitals are short enough they shouldn't have time to snack. 

•Are electronics allowed in the dressing area? If so, what are the rules regarding their use? 
Yes, but The Studio is not liable if the item is damaged or lost. Bring at your discretion. 

•Should I send something to keep my child busy between dances? 
The recitals are short enough they shouldn't have time to play. We ask that students just have their costume and dance shoes with them. 

•Where do I pick my child up after the recital? 
After each performance, parents may greet their student in the backstage hallway at the check in/out table. 

•Are flowers allowed in the dressing area? 
•Will tickets be assigned seating? 
No. General admission. 

•Will tickets be available at the door? 



•Will there be flowers for sale in the lobby? 
Yes. You can purchase flowers in the lobby on both days of the recital. 

•Will there be concessions? 
Yes. Concessions will be sold at each intermission. All concessions must be consumed in the lobby. 

•Where is the recital? 

King George Middle School

•What is auditorium etiquette during the shows? 
Please only exit and enter during applause in between numbers. The sounds and entering the auditorium can be distracting to dancers and patrons. 
• Costumes - labeled and in bags 
• Correct number and colors of tights 
• All necessary dance shoes 
• All costume and hair accessories 
• Cover-up (robe or button-up shirt) 
• Ponytail holders or no-snag rubber bands 
• Hair pins or bobby pins 
• Hair nets if needed 
• Hairspray 
• Makeup kit 
• Safety pins 
• Makeup removal wipes 
• Band-AIDS 
• No-spill water bottle 
• Approved snacks 
• Tissues 


"The only thing that nobody else has is you.  Your voice​​​​​, your mind, your story, your vision.  So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can."​​​

Neil Gaiman


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