Music Lessons
Piano Lessons

Voice Lessons

All music lessons include 30 minutes of individual instrument instruction. At his/her convenience, each music student may sign up for a 30 minute session of music theory via computer.
All music instructors highly encourage daily practice and expect their students to work hard and do there best.
All students need to have a small notebook along with any music book to each lesson.
There will a music expo in December and a music recital in May/June. Dates are to be determined.
Before your child can participate in the Music Expo, Music Recital and/or Spring Production, your account must be current.
All students at The Studio are welcomed and encouraged to participate in the Music Expo, Music Recital, and Spring Production. However, should a student choose not to participate, he/she is still welcome to attend music lessons.
Once you have committed your child to performing in the Music Expo and/or Music Recital, you will be responsible for the nominal fees associated with each